The blog about real estate and life in Thailand.
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Профессиональные фотографии недвижимости, зачем нужны?
Качественно сделанные фотографии, с нужными ракурсами, значительно повышают количество запросов и просмотров объявления. И это безусловно стоит потраченного времени и некоторых финансовых затрат, на то что бы подготовить объект к фотосьемке.
Tips for those who decide to start riding a motorbike in Thailand
Coming to Thailand, tourists often face the problem of transportation, since public transport is rather non-existent here, with the exception of Bangkok. The accommodation you rented may be far from the beach and from shops; you won’t be able to find much on foot in the scorching sun either, and you’ll also want to see the sights. Taking a taxi all the time is also expensive. All that remains is to rent a vehicle in Thailand: a car or a motorbike. And if few people would think of getting behind the wheel of a car without a license, then with a motorbike the situation is completely opposite.